When Self-Archiving is my Only Option

STORY TIME: I was backing up my computer to my external hard drive; it had been a while since I’ve done this, and I was only reminded to do so when my mom called me (her personal tech support) with the news of her computer being wiped after a major storm. After a few hours, the backup had been completed, with a few exceptions. One of which was a paper I had written a decade ago for a history class as an undergrad at Texas State University (Eat ‘Em Up Cats!). The class was “U.S. Foreign Relations from Revolution to Reconstruction” and it had been an interesting class taught by one of my favorite professors that I’ve had as a student. Long story kinda short: big research project (can’t remember the prompt(s)), lots of research, moments of questioning if higher education was really worth it, and finally, a finished paper. I’m sure I did pretty well - the story doesn’t end with me repeating the class - and my professor suggested that I submit it for publication. Sure, right…how does one do such a thing? Honestly, even now, I still don’t understand fully how it works. I tried, I “failed” and this paper has been collecting “digital” dust, only moving from computer to computer.

Here I am, present day, still trying to figure out what to do with it. I guess, not anymore. I’m going to sit it here. On my website. Maybe, someone (besides me and my professor) will read it. Maybe, someone will read it and think, “hey, I know a publication (preferably OA) that would like to publish it.” Whatever the case, here it is.