@ 6 months.

I had a lot on my mind today and didn’t really know why specifically today. I was listening to a podcast that gives your horoscope for the day and one of the things that stuck with me was that the narrator suggested journaling. What better way to release something bothering you than to journal? So, that’s what I did.

I’m hopeful and optimistic that the other half of the year will be better than the first. Right now, things are rough. This year could be the year that things will change fundamentally and it had to be a hard road to that change, OR this could be the year that begins a devolution of society. I’m hoping for the former. We’re tired. As individuals and as a society. I want to believe that while many of us had to suffer through the past four years with the people who supposedly were representing us and working in our interest, we know now that that’s not the case. “When you know better, you do better.” I hope that this will be the mantra we work with moving forward. There are A LOT of things that didn’t work well or at all before. There are also things that came out of this series of events that I hope become a regular occurrence. I don’t want the events of this year to be a thing of the past, a distant memory. I certainly want to be in a better place with better people who recognize how we got “here” and what actions to take to either ensure we don’t go through these events again or if we do, there’s no fumbling or mishandling or DEATH - things that could have been mostly avoided. I hope there is more compassion and grace on the other side of this. I don’t want “woo woo,” I want change. I want accountability. I want the least of us to be treated better.

Here’s hoping for a better second half…