Hang in There

Don’t know if this will reach anyone, but it’s here, just in case. Who knows, it may appear to the right person at the right time. If you aren’t aware, things are a little crazy…very crazy, actually. DUMPSTER FIRE x10. The world is smack-dab in the middle of a pandemic that has brought things to a halt. I won’t go into detail, there’s been enough coverage (good and otherwise). This space is for resources to lift your spirits and provide something of value during these uncertain times. It’s definitely random and I’ll probably add more to this - we may need this for another time - but it’s something.

Twitter - hear me out: outside of misinformation and the stranger-than-fiction stories surrounding the pandemic (buying up exorbitant amounts of essential supplies to later sell for exorbitant prices :expressionless: :unamused:), tweeps have really come together to support, encourage, and entertain (check out #LiveIdes) each other. I LOVE to see it.

Care for Your Coronavirus Anxiety - I’ll let them tell it:

In two days, we (Shine App) as a team partnered with Mental Health America to create a project we’re so proud of, and it’s aptly called Care for Your Coronavirus. We hopped on phone calls, gathered in Google Docs, and conversed in conference rooms to create a comprehensive resource for you to care for your mental health during these uncertain times. Consider virusanxiety.com your mental health toolkit: You can listen to free meditations, read reliable articles on caring for your mental health, ask experts questions about your mental health, take an anxiety screening quiz, and so much more. We’ll be updating it regularly as we all take this day-by-day.

I’m trying to #StayTheFHome and be productive, so I’m backing up photos that I probably should have backed up sooner. Here’s one from a cruise I took in 2018: small statue surrounded by flora

YouTube videos

MAKE things - food, art, whatever! get creative! If I can manage to find the rest of the ingredients I need, I might make these to snack on while at home: Salted Chocolate–Tahini Bliss Balls

Virtual Museum Tours - found on Twitter; I know that a round-trip ticket for $100 to some beautiful destination sounds really tempting, but #StayTheFHome, seriously. Grab your computer and a HDMI cord, or if you’re fancy, plug in the VR, and soak in some exhibits.

Support a bookstore - get yourself some #QuarantineReads and support a business that won’t be receiving a bailout :upside_down_face: …May I suggest Harriet’s Bookshop and Bookshop.org

Shop/eat local - maintain social distancing, request contactless delivery and AGAIN, support those who really need it.

An epic 12-hour spiritual jazz mix from NTS Radio

#ClubQuarantine :dancer::dancer: - if you don’t have an Instagram, like I did, get yourself one. DJs and many musicians have taken to IG and YouTube to perform sets and it is a great time. DJ D-Nice began this social (distancing) party and it has branched to include other notable DJs. Click to read more about the party and how you can gain entry.

…more to come…

Self Care Isn't Selfish (photo credit: Tyler Elise Blinderman)