
Curation + Metadata

This presentation was created to fulfill an assignment requirement for INFO 5223 - Metadata for Information Organization and Retrieval. Students were given a topic and tasked to create a presentation of how their topic employed or benefitted from metadata; my topic was Digital Curation.

To take a look at the presentation, click the slide image.

curation slide

Reimagining Data with Deep Maps

This presentation serves as a digestible look at the research work students had been doing in INFO 5970 - Advanced Topics Seminar in Information Science I. My research topic was employing Deep Mapping, using Activity Theory, as a means to reuse or reimagine available data. I briefly explain the purpose of my research, a possible research question, and background on the terms/topics of my research.

To take a look at the presentation, click the slide image.

reimagining data

Managing the Humanities: Research Data Management in the Arts & Humanities

Created to accompany my final paper (and for extra credit), this presentation serves as a summary for the topic of managing research data from the different disciplines in the arts and humantities. Looking mainly to UK services and tools, I examined how librarians, data managers, and data librarians are working to educate and support researchers in the arts & humanities on how to manage their data.

To take a look at the presentation, click the slide image.
